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Stages of plant growth: Sprouts, Microgreens, Baby greens & fully grown greens

We grow everyday superfood microgreens to enhance your well being, & brighten every plate!

Bigger than sprouts, and smaller than baby greens, microgreens are tiny superfood greens that bring GIANT nutrition to your plate. Harvested at peak nutrition — at only 7 to 14 days old — they boast up to 40% more nutrition than full-grown vegetables and greens, according to the USDA.

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Giant Gorilla Greens featured on WBZ-TV CBS Boston

Elevate Your Salad Game: 3 Delicious Dressings for Every Occasion - GiantGorillaGreens

Elevate Your Salad Game: 3 Delicious Dressings for Every Occasion

As warmer months, aka grilling season approaches, we love a refreshing salad to pair with our fav barbecue!

While fresh microgreens form the foundation, it's the dressing that can truly elevate your salad experience! Today, we're exploring three delectable dressings, each bringing its own unique flair to the table.

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The word detox has been thrown around a lot, with packaged products and teas being advertised by social media gurus, it’s important to stress that detoxifying is not a mystery. The answer is also not one magical product that will help us detox, but a holistic approach towards our lifestyle.
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Why I Said No To Prescription Drugs & The Consequences Of That Decision.

It was early in my flying career, when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was teaching student pilots to fly, while also accumulating the flying time I needed to join the airlines.

As a pilot, you are considered unfit to fly if you so much as take an aspirin, before your flight.

Medication either excites our nervous system, or dulls it, both of which can be a hazard when flying an aircraft.

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