Micro Basil

1.5 oz
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Superfood Micro Basil

Micro Basil is the micro version of conventional genovese basil. It is soft, tender, fragrant and packs more flavor than regular basil. 

It's petite size & round leaves make it an attractive garnish. Wildly popular with chefs, you can dress up your savory and sweet dishes with this unique microgreen!


What Makes Superfood Micro Basil Green … & Great

  • Locally Grown in MA
  • Zero Pesticides
  • 100% Organic Soil, Seeds & Fertilizer
  • Sustainably Farmed in our Indoor Vertical Farm
  • Up To 40% More Nutrition Than Full Grown Veggies (per the USDA)
  • Harvested At Peak Nutrition, Hours Before Reaching Your Table